Monads in small bites - Part III - Monoids
This is Part III of my Monads tutorial. Make sure you read the previous parts:
Part III - Monoids (this post)
Simply put, Monoids describe types containing a binary function and an identity value.
When applied to the identity value and a random value x
, said function leaves its argument x
untouched, returning it as a result.
This short description should be enough to get the conversation started.
Here’s how Haskell defines a Monoid:
class Monoid m where
mempty :: m
mappend :: m -> m -> m
mconcat :: [m] -> m
mconcat ms = foldr mappend mempty ms
This type introduces three new functions so let’s walk through each one of them:
mempty - I started with a lie since
isn’t actually a function. You can think of it as a constant of the same type of the Monoidm
. It is this monoid’s identity value.
mappend - A poorly named function,
is the binary function I mentioned earlier. It receives two arguments of typem
and returns a value of typem
mconcat - It receives a list of Monoids
and reduces them to a single Monoid of typem
. What’s interesting about this snippet is that the Monoid type class provides a default implementation formconcat
: it simply calls foldr with the binary functionmappend
, a starting value ofmempty
and the list of Monoid valuesms
Enough Haskell! Let’s have a look at a few examples.
Did you know that, in Clojure, the functions *
and +
are monoids? Yup. But don’t take my word for it. Let me prove it to you:
(def mempty (+)) ;; 0
(def mappend +)
(defn mconcat [ms]
(reduce mappend mempty ms))
(mappend 3 4) ;; 7
(mconcat [2 3 4]) ;; 9
Whoa! What happened here? Am I just making this stuff up?
Not really. I only defined the same haskell names to their Clojure counterparts for clarity. Totally overkill. The code above is the same as:
(+) ;; 0
(+ 3 4) ;; 7
(reduce + [2 3 4]) ;; 9
Did you notice that on the second call to reduce
we did not provide an initial value? That’s because reduce
will attempt to get its initial accumulator by calling the reducing function without arguments - hence mempty == (+)
So that means we don’t even need an mconcat
function since in Clojure, reduce
works with monoids as well!
Update: this isn’t entirely true. When I wrote this post I had in mind the version of
provided by the Clojure (1.5+) reducers library. The source code shows how that is the case.
The implementation of
however uses the first element of the collection being reduced over as its seed.
But how the hell do you create a monoid in Clojure then? I’m glad you asked. Let’s create our own plus-monoid!
Your first monoid
In Part I I implemented Functors using protocols and records. In Part II I showed how Applicative Functors could be implemented using multimethods.
This time around I won’t be using any of these. I’ll implement Monoids using pure functions:
(defn plus-monoid
([a b]
(+ a b)))
(plus-monoid) ;; 0 - same as mempty
(plus-monoid 3 4) ;; 7 - same as mappend
(reduce plus-monoid [2 3 4]) ;; 9 - when working with monoids, reduce is the same as mconcat
We start by defining a function with multiple arities. The first body receives no arguments, so we just return the identity value for summation, which is 0 (zero). The second body receives two arguments so we can just add them up. Multiplication can be implemented in a similar fashion but obviously with the identity value of one.
Easy, huh?
Oh, by the way, lists are Monoids too! Who’d have thought?
Here’s its Clojure implementation:
(defn list-monoid
([a b]
(concat a b)))
(list-monoid) ;; () - remember, same as mempty
(list-monoid [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) ;; (1 2 3 4 5 6) - remember, same as mappend
(reduce list-monoid [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]) ;; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) - mconcat in action
Same rules apply but for lists mappend
is achieved by using concat
inside our monoid function.
Also, since our binary function concatenates two lists together it makes sense that mempty
is ()
(the empty list). Remember mempty
is supposed to be an identity value so if we stitch ()
and [1 2 3]
together, we’re left with [1 2 3]
which is exactly what we’d expect.
You can see now why I said
was poorly named. While it makes sense when you think about lists,mappend
doesn’t do any appending in our plus-monoid and in fact most monoids don’t append anything. Just keep this in mind if you see any haskell code using it:mappend
is just a binary function.
Don’t break the law
You saw this coming, huh? Monoids also come with a couple of laws. You know the drill. Let’s prove they both hold.
and a monoidx
should be the same as the originalx
In Haskell:
mappend mempty x = x
mappend x mempty = x
And the proof in Clojure:
;; first, the plus-monoid
(def mempty (plus-monoid))
(def x 10)
;; This...
(plus-monoid mempty x) ;; 10
;; the same as:
(plus-monoid x mempty) ;; 10
;;now, the list-monoid
(def mempty (list-monoid))
(def x [1 2 3])
;; This...
(list-monoid mempty x) ;; (1 2 3)
;; the same as:
(list-monoid x mempty) ;; (1 2 3)
to a monoidx
and the result of applyingmappend
to the monoidsy
should be the same as first applyingmappend
to the monoidsx
and then applyingmappend
to the resulting monoid and the monoidz
In Haskell:
mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z
And the proof in Clojure - remember that calling the monoid function with two arguments is equivalent to mappend
in haskell:
;; first, the plus-monoid
(def x 10)
(def y 25)
(def z 40)
;; This...
(plus-monoid x (plus-monoid y z)) ;; 75
;; the same as:
(plus-monoid (plus-monoid x y) z) ;; 75
;;now, the list-monoid
(def x [40])
(def y [10 25])
(def z [50])
;; This...
(list-monoid x (list-monoid y z)) ;; (40 10 25 50)
;; the same as:
(list-monoid (list-monoid x y) z) ;; (40 10 25 50)
Almost there…
This puts an end to Part III. It’s time to head to the pub.
When you’re back look for the final post in these series - Part IV - where we will conclude our journey by finally introducing Monads!