Functional composition with Monads, Kleislis and Functors
I’ve been learning Scala for my current client project and I find writing to be a great tool to test my understanding of any given topic. This means there might be a few Scala posts coming up soon as I keep learning interesting things.
Today I’ll be exploring a few different ways in which you can compose programs. I’ll be using Scalaz in this post.
The examples that follow all deal with Vehicles - more specifically makes and parts:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz.Kleisli._
case class Make(id: Int, name: String)
case class Part(id: Int, name: String)
Next we have a couple of functions which interact with these case classes:
val make: (Int) => Make = (_) => Make(1, "Suzuki")
val parts: Make => List[Part] = {
case Make(1, _) => List(Part(1, "Gear Box"), Part(2, "Clutch cable"))
So we have a function from Int
to Make
and then a function from Make
to List[Part]
. From set theory we know this implies we must have a function from Int
to List[Part]
. This is nothing more than simple function composition:
val f = parts compose make
// List[Part] = List(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable))
// alternatively you can use 'andThen' which works like compose, but with the arguments flipped:
val g = make andThen parts
// List[Part] = List(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable))
Pretty boring stuff.
A more realistic example accounts for failure in our functions. One way we can encode this is using the Option
data type:
val make = (x: Int) => (x == 1).option(Make(1, "Suzuki"))
val parts = (x: Make) =>
( == 1).option(NonEmptyList(Part(1, "Gear Box"), Part(2, "Clutch cable")))
Now we have a function make: Int => Option[Make]
and a function parts: Make => Option[NonEmptyList[Part]]
. Based on our first example we should have a way to create a function from Int
to Option[NonEmptyList[Part]]
. This isn’t immediately obvious however.
While make
does return a Make
, it is wrapped inside an Option
so we need to account for a possible failure. This leads to our first attempt:
val f: Option[Make] => Option[NonEmptyList[Part]] = {
case Some(m) => parts(m)
case _ => None
val g = f compose make
g(1) // Some(NonEmptyList(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
While this works, we had to manually create the plumbing between the two functions. You can imagine that with different return and input types, this plubming would have to be rewritten over and over.
All the function f
above is doing is serving as an adapter for parts
. It turns out there is a couple of ways in which this pattern can be generalised.
Monadic bind
is a monad so we can define f using a for comprehension:
val f = (x: Int) => for {
m <- make(x)
p <- parts(m)
} yield p
f(1) // Some(NonEmptyList(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
Which is simply syntactic sugar for:
val g = make(_:Int) flatMap (m =>
parts(m).map(p => p))
// Some(NonEmptyList(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
// you can also use the symbolic alias for 'bind', which makes it a lot nicer
val h = make(_:Int) >>= parts
// Some(NonEmptyList(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
The reason this is better is that make
and parts
could operate under a different monad but the client code would not need to change. In the example below, we’re operating under the List
val words: (String) => List[String] = _.split("""\s""").toList
val chars: String => List[Char] = _.toList
val f = (phrase: String) => for {
m <- words(phrase)
p <- chars(m)
} yield p
f("Motorcycles are fun to ride!")
// List(M, o, t, o, r, c, y, c, l, e, s, a, r, e, f, u, n, t, o, r, i, d, e, !)
// or even:
val g = words(_:String) flatMap (w =>
chars(w).map(c => c))
g("Motorcycles are fun to ride!")
// List(M, o, t, o, r, c, y, c, l, e, s, a, r, e, f, u, n, t, o, r, i, d, e, !)
We used the exact same for comprehension syntax to compose these operations. This works because both Option
and List
are monads.
Notwithstanding, this still feels like unnecessary plumbing. All we are doing with the for comprehenstion / flatMap
is extracting the values from their respective monads to simply put them back in. It would be nice if we could simply do something like make compose parts
as we did in our first example.
Kleisli Arrows
A Kleisli arrow is simply a wrapper for a function of type A => F[B]
. This is the same type of the second argument to the monadic bind as defined in Scalaz:
bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
By creating a Kleisli arrow from a function, we are given a function that knows how to extract the value from a Monad F
and feed it into the underlying function, much like bind does, but without actually having to do any binding yourself.
To use a concrete example, let’s create a kleisli arrow from our parts
// scalaz.Kleisli[Option,Make,scalaz.NonEmptyList[Part]]
You can read this type as being a function which knows how to get a value of type Make
from the Option
monad and will ultimately return an Option[NonEmptyList[Part]]
. Now you might be asking, why would we want to wrap our functions in a kleisli arrow?
By doing so, you have access to a number of useful functions defined in the Kleisli trait, one of which is <==<
(aliased as composeK
val f = kleisli(parts) <==< make
// same as kleisli(parts) composeK make
f(1) // Some(NonEmptyList(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
This gives us the same result as the version using the for comprehension but with less work and with code that looks similar to simple function composition.
Not there yet
One thing that was bugging me is the return type for parts
Make => Option[NonEmptyList[Part]]
Sure this works but since lists already represent non-deterministic results, one can make the point that the Option type there is reduntant since, for this example, we can treat both None
and the empty List as the absence of result. Let’s update the code:
val make = (x: Int) => (x == 1).option(Make(1, "Suzuki"))
val parts: Make => List[Part] = {
case Make(1, _) => List(Part(1, "Gear Box"), Part(2, "Clutch cable"))
case _ => Nil
It seems we’re in worse shape now! As before, parts
’s input type doesn’t line up with make
’s return type. Not only that, they aren’t even in the same monad anymore!
This clearly breaks our previous approach using a kleisli arrow to perform the composition. On the other hand it makes room for another approach: Functor lifting.
In Scala - and category theory - monads are functors. As such both Option
and List
have access to a set of useful functor combinators. The one we’re interested in is called lift.
Say you have a function A => B
and you have a functor F[A]
. Lifting is the name of the operation that transforms the function A => B
into a function of type F[A] => F[B]
This sounds useful. Here are our function types again:
make: Int => Option[Make]
parts: Make => List[Part]
We can’t get a function Int => List[Part]
because make
returns an Option[Make]
meaning it can fail. We need to propagate this possibility in the composition. We can however lift parts
into the Option
monad, effectively changing its type from Make => List[Part]
to Option[Make] => Option[List[Part]]
val f = Functor[Option].lift(parts) compose make
// Some(List(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
now has the type Int => Option[List[Part]]
and we have once again successfully composed both functions without writing any plumbing code ourselves.
Mark pointed out to me that lift
is pretty much the same as map
but with the arguments reversed. So the example above can be more succintly expressed as:
val g = make(_:Int).map(parts)
// Some(List(Part(1,Gear Box), Part(2,Clutch cable)))
If you are only now getting to this whole Functor/Monad/Kleisli thing this was probably quite heavy to get through. The point I am trying to make here is that learning at least some of the abstractions provided by Scalaz is certainly worthwhile. They encode common patterns which we would otherwise keep re-writing a lot of the time.
Special Thanks to Mark Hibberd who kindly reviewed an early draft of this post.