ClojureBridge Sydney, vol. I
This past weekend - 19-20th of December - a group of highly motivated individuals gave up their Friday night and their entire Saturday simply to learn how to code in Clojure!
It was the first ever ClojureBridge edition in Sydney and if you haven’t heard of it before, its goal is to increase diversity in the Clojure community. It does so by offering free workshops targeted at beginners.
You should totally read Julian Gamble’s post about the event for details. He’s was one of the volunteers on the day and has done a great job of describing his experiences.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to highlight and thank all volunteers who also gave up their time for free to help and coach 24 people eager to learn Clojure. They are: Alexandra Luca, Claudio Natoli, Julian Gamble, Marcin Nikliborc, Navin K, Scott Robinson, Svetlana Filimonova & Vineeth Varghese.

Without you, the event would not have happened!
A big thank you to our main sponsor - ThoughtWorks - who provided the venue, food, drinks and, of course, Clojure cupcakes.
Another big thank you to Atlassian who gave some cool gifts to our attendees! (Sunnies and hats!).
Last but not least, a huge thank you to all attendees who were absolutely stellar and made the event an amazing experience!
I had a blast organising and running the event and hopefully we will have a new edition soon! I hope it ignited the desire to learn even more about Clojure and Functional Programming!
Happy holidays!