new provider
I decided to change my blog's hosting provider and this is the first post using the new service.
Please if you see any abnormal behaviour around here don't hesitate to contact me either at leonardoborges@leonardoborges.com or leonardoborges.rj@gmail.com
mock objects
When testing it's pretty common to see the need for mocking a certain object, say, a Data Access Ojbect. This way you don't need to depend on a database and you can focus on the actual logic implemented by the method being tested.
For that you have several alternatives like creating the Mock class by hand or - and this is the more common - use one of the various mocking libraries out there.
passenger mod_rails and problems with custom apache installation
This week we started to test mod_rails in a couple of projects where I work on. One in production.
Of course it's too early for any conclusions, but I just wanted to share a couple of problems you might find when the installer tries to compile the Apache module.
In our case, and I believe it is the case of many servers out there, we have a custom Apache installation, what makes the installer not find it and/or not find the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) sometimes.
presentation spring framework
Last friday I've done a small presentation about Dependency Injection and how it can improve the testing environment of a project. You can find it in the presentations page.
Hope you like it.
euruko 2008 materials available
As some of you know I went to the European Ruby Conf in Prague, this year.
The event was awesome and it's good to know they finally made available the majority of the slides, here.
They also published Matz's keynote, and more videos from the conference are being edited right now, so stay tuned to their home page!
a couple of things from here
It's been some time since my last post but here I am! Where? In Spain, of course! Having a great time, I must say.
I arrived last week in Madrid and the past 2 weeks before that I spent basically packing my stuff. There is still some paperwork going on but everything is flowing well.
Besides this little feedback, I was reading this week's issue of the excellent series This Week In Ruby, from my friend Antonio Cangiano.
passengermod_rails released
Passenger(mod_rails) has been released.
The idea is to ease the pain on rails applications deployment. I tested myself and in less than five minutes I had my application working behind Apache!
I'm not going to say much here besides the fact that it seems like a really good option for rails deployment and people have been talking about it already, including DHH.
But I do recommend a read on the architecture overview document.
time to reveal
Some of you may know. Some of you may not. Some of you may find weird. And most of you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about but the thing is: This is a year of big changes for me.
I've been hired by Mirai, a Spanish company located in Madrid, to work as a Software Engineer. Yes, it does mean I'll be moving there. Sooner than later.
jruby db2 xquery bug
Update: Follow up link to this issue on JRuby's Jira, here
As I told in my last post, it was time to give JRuby a serious try. So I took one of our rails projects at work and decided to migrate it to JRuby and see what happens.
We heavily use the XML capabilities of DB2 and this was a huge problem. Every query would work just fine through the activerecord-jdbc-adapter - part of the JRuby Extras .
qcon 2008 slides available
Most of last QCon's presentations are available for download here.
Highlights to Ola Bini's on JRuby(pdf) and Randy Shoup's on eBay's architectural principles(pdf).
And while we're talking about JRuby, it's impressive how it's becoming a recurrent and big subject. Fast. It had its own small space at big event like QCon and in the last Euruko in Prague, we had a presentation by the JRuby Core Developers Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo.