rupy 2009 poznan
Next week the RuPy Conference 2009 will be held in Poznan, Poland and I was planning to talk there.
My talk had been approved and everything was looking good - I was gonna talk about JRuby in the Enterprise - until my move to ThoughtWorks became a reality less than a month ago.
This move led to a lack of support and time from my current company. I was counting on it to go there but since I'll be leaving soon, that wouldn't be possible.
Since then I've been in touch with Adam Parchimowicz - part of RuPy's organization team - and we tried to find alternatives to this. I wanted to thank him for all the effort he put into trying to make this happen. The terms we agreed on were good enough but this change of priorities kicked in too close to the event.
Long story short, I'd like to apologize for not being able to give my talk at RuPy this year.
Apart from that, I gave a very similar talk at the Rails Summit Latin America this year in Brazil and you can find the slides and sources for it in my Presentations page. ( Video coming soon )