Purely functional data structures in Clojure: Leftist Heaps
This post is part of a series about Chris Okasaki’s Purely Functional Data Structures. You can see all posts in the series by visiting the functional-data-structures category in this blog.
Last year I started reading a book called Purely Functional Data Structures. It’s a fascinating book and if you’ve ever wondered how Clojure’s persistent data structures work, it’s mandatory reading.
However, all code samples in the book are written in ML - with Haskell versions in the end of the book. This means I got stuck in Chapter 3, where the ML snippets start.
I had no clue about Haskell’s - much less ML’s! - syntax and I was finding it very difficult to follow along. What I did notice is that their syntaxes are not so different from each other.
So I put the book down and read Learn You a Haskell For Great Good! with the hopes that learning more about haskell’s syntax - in particular, learning how to read its type signatures - would help me get going with Puretly Functional Data Structures.
Luckily, I was right - and I recommend you do the same if you’re not familiar with either of those languages. Learn You a Haskell For Great Good! is a great book and I got a lot out of it. My series on Monads is a product of reading it.
Enough background though.
The purpose of this post is two-fold: One is to share the github repository I created and that will contain the Clojure versions of the data structures in the book as well as most solutions to the exercises - or at least as many as my time-poor life allows me to implement.
The other is to walk you through some of the code and get a discussion going. Hopefully we will all learn something - as I certainly have when implementing these. Today, we’ll start with Leftist Heaps.
Leftist Heaps
Leftist Heaps - or trees - are a variant of binary heaps that can be used as priority queues. On top of the standard invariants of binary heaps, it obeys the leftist property:
- Every node has a rank, which is the distance from its right spine to the nearest leaf
- A node’s left child has a rank at least as large as its right child
In a nutshell, these are the operations we need to be able to perform on a leftist heap:
- insert a value into an existing heap
- merge two heaps
- find the minimum value in a heap
- delete the minimum value, returning a new heap
Since the book uses ML/Haskell, it starts with a data type definition for Heaps that exposes these and a couple of other auxiliary functions. I decided to take a stab at writing the solution using Clojure’s protocols and records:
(defprotocol Heap
(is-empty? [this])
(insert [this v])
(merge [this other])
(rank [this])
(find-min [this])
(delete-min [this]))
(defrecord LeftistHeap [rank value left right])
When implementing the algorithms the base case for the recursive solutions will involve dealing with nil values which at first seems like it wouldn’t be a problem. However, protocol functions dispatch on the type of its first argument so what happens if I call the function is-empty? on nil?
Luckily, Clojure allows us to extend a protocol to core types:
(extend-protocol Heap
(rank [_] 0)
(merge [_ other] other)
(is-empty? [_] true)
(is-empty? [this]
(nil? this))
(rank [this]
(:rank this))
(merge [{val-this :value left-this :left right-this :right :as this}
{val-other :value left-other :left right-other :right :as other}]
(is-empty? other) this
(<= val-this val-other) (ensure-leftist left-this
(merge right-this other)
:else (ensure-leftist left-other
(merge this right-other)
(insert [this v]
(merge (->LeftistHeap 1 v nil nil)
(find-min [{v :value}] v)
(delete-min [{left :left right :right}]
(merge right left)))
Note how I extended a few of the protocol functions to the nil data type, allowing me to continue with this implementation with no nasty hacks.
There’s one last bit missing: a function that will ensure each heap retains the leftist property:
(defn ensure-leftist
[this other v]
(let [rank-this (rank this)
rank-other (rank other)]
(if (>= rank-this rank-other)
(->LeftistHeap (inc rank-other) v this other)
(->LeftistHeap (inc rank-this) v other this))))
The reason this function is isolated is that the Heap protocol defined above is fairly generic and could be used for defining other types of heaps - and I didn’t feel it warranted its own interface.
We can now play with it and create a new leftist heap:
(-> (->LeftistHeap 1 3 nil nil)
(insert 2)
(insert 7)
(insert 4)
(insert 10)
(insert 1)
(insert 20))
While I quite like this approach, I thought I’d also implement this solution using Clojure’s core data types - maps in this case - and no protocols. The code is shown below:
(defn mk-heap [rank value left right]
{:rank rank :value value :left left :right right})
(defn heap-rank [heap]
(if (nil? heap)
(:rank heap)))
(defn ensure-leftist-heap [value heap-a heap-b]
(let [rank-a (heap-rank heap-a)
rank-b (heap-rank heap-b)]
(if (>= rank-a rank-b)
(mk-heap (inc rank-b) value heap-a heap-b)
(mk-heap (inc rank-a) value heap-b heap-a))))
(defn merge-heaps [{val-a :value left-a :left right-a :right :as heap-a}
{val-b :value left-b :left right-b :right :as heap-b}]
(nil? heap-a) heap-b
(nil? heap-b) heap-a
(<= val-a val-b) (ensure-leftist-heap val-a
(merge-heaps right-a heap-b))
:else (ensure-leftist-heap val-b
(merge-heaps heap-a right-b))))
(defn heap-insert [value heap]
(merge-heaps (mk-heap 1 value nil nil)
(defn heap-find-min [{v :value}] v)
(defn heap-delete-min [{left :left right :right}]
(merge-heaps right left))
Using it is equally simple:
(->> (mk-heap 1 3 nil nil)
(heap-insert 2)
(heap-insert 7)
(heap-insert 4)
(heap-insert 10)
(heap-insert 1)
(heap-insert 20))
That’s it for now.
As I implement more of the book’s code and exercises I’ll add them to the github repo - it also includes tests for all implementations.
Enjoy :)